August 19, 2024
Dear Perry Street Families,
It is my honor and a pleasure to welcome you to the 2024 – 2025 school year! I hope you all have had a relaxing and fun summer break. Our dedicated and highly skilled staff have been working hard to prepare for the return of our community as this year promises to be especially impactful and I am appreciative of the dedication, effort, and pursuit of excellence that have gone into back to school preparation over the past few months. We will be in constant communication this school year via Class Dojo and the Newsletter so please be on the lookout! I would like to take time and highlight a few important dates as well as a reminder of a few of Perry Streets policies for Students and Families.
Listed below is some important information that will help the start of the school year run smoothly:
School Hours:
Our School Hours for the 2024-2025 School Year will remain the same.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8:00AM-3:30PM, Wednesdays (8:00AM-1:00PM).
School Calendar: Here is the school calendar for the 2024-2025 School Year.
Parent/Guardian Identification and Attendance: This School Year, we will be rolling out a new attendance and visitor process via School Pass. School Pass is:
All students and families will be assigned a unique pin number that will allow for them to check in if they are ever late or have an early dismissal. This will aid in the accurate accounting of attendance for all students. Additionally, if there are any visitors in the building they will be required to provide proof of identification and check in via our online system. This too will aid in the safety of our community. If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to Porsche Paulding,[email protected]
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures:
The bell hours for the 2024-2025 School year are 8:00AM-3:30 PM (M,T,TH,& F) and 8:00-1:00PM (W). If your student arrives after 8:00 AM they are considered tardy and will need to check in with the main office for a tardy pass.
Before and After Care:
Perry Street partners with a number of community partners and organizations to provide before and after care. If you are in need of before or after care the list of organizations can be found on our website and on Class Dojo. Please note that enrollment for Franklin Commons and MOMIES TLC are currently closed. School Clubs registration will open on Friday, August 23rd and School Clubs will begin on September 3rd. MOMIES, Franklin Commons and YMCA programming will begin on August 26th.
Student Classroom Assignments
Student classroom assignments will be announced via Class Dojo on Tuesday, August 20, 2024.
School Dress Code
Uniforms are optional but not mandatory. Clothing may not be transparent/see-through and all undergarments must be covered. Students may not have exposed midriff, back, or legs above mid-thigh. Students may wear distressed clothing with tears that do not expose skin above mid-thigh. Students may not wear graphic shirts depicting inappropriate language or violence of any sort.
School Meals/Food Deliveries
Every Perry Street student will be offered breakfast, lunch, and a snack. Breakfast is served every morning from 8:00-8:30 am in the classroom, lunch is provided in the cafeteria, and snacks will be distributed in the classroom.
This year families will not be able to have a delivery service (DoorDash, Uber Eats, etc.) drop off food in the main office for students. If you would like to pack a different lunch for your child other than the one provided by the school, it should be brought to school in the morning and kept in the classroom until the lunch period. Additionally please note that students may not bring in food that requires refrigeration or a microwave.
Class Dojo
Class Dojo is the main form of communication between school and home. Teachers will post pictures of students and make other classroom announcements through the Class Dojo app on the classroom page. Schoolwide information will also be posted on the main page of the app. Teachers and staff are all connected to the app and can receive direct messages from parents. Please be sure you are connected! Reach out to the school if you need assistance.
Cell phones
Students are not permitted to have their cellphones in school. Every morning upon arrival students should turn their devices in to a member of the administration. Cell phones and devices will be kept safe in a locked cabinet until the end of the school day when they will be returned directly to the student. If you need to reach your students for any reason during the day, please call the front office (202)529-4400 or reach out to the teacher on Class Dojo.
Perry Street will provide all students with chromebooks to use throughout the day to complete their in class assignments. Students are not permitted to bring the devices home unless approved by the Technology team. If you have questions or your student will be in need of a device for home please fill out this form.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to reach out.
Rachel Crouch, Principal