New Families
- Online Registration (link received via email)
- Residency Verification Form with supporting documents
- State issued ID for Legal Guardian
- Birth Certificate
- Most recent Report Card (Final School Year Report Card is required by June 30, 2024)
- IEP or 504 Plan (when applicable)
Universal Health Certificate (see form below)
- Immunization Records indicating compliance aligned with DC Health Requirements (see info below)
Dental Form (see form below)
- Transfer/Withdrawal Form from current school (Required by June 30, 2024)
We want to support our school being a healthy and safe environment for all kids by ensuring our students are properly immunized.
DC Official Code § 38–501, et seq, requires all schools in the District of Columbia to require
immunization certification from students as part of attendance. DC Municipal Regulations (DCMR)
mandate that OSSE enforces immunization responsibilities for public school admission. Schools have a
responsibility to require the necessary immunization certification as part of student attendance (5E
DCMR §§ 5300 et seq.). Pursuant to that authority, OSSE, in collaboration with DC Health, publishes the
School Immunization Policy which details the actions that schools must take in order to enforce the
requirements of the law.
Per the School Immunization Policy, schools must temporarily exclude students in grades pre-K 3,
kindergarten, 7 and 11 (the exclusion grades) who are non-compliant with immunization requirements.